I/O Book Club Vol. 4

Responses to the memoir Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl from readers on both sides of the bars.

We're delighted to roll out the fourth volume of the Inside/Outside Book Club Journal! You can a PDF copy of it here.
This issue of the Journal features responses to a memoir by Austrian neurologist Viktor Frankl about survival and meaning in the Nazi concentration camps. With its themes of human agency and purpose in the face of dehumanization and despair, Frankl's book has become popular in prisons and jails, and we were eager to share this poignant text with I/O Book Club participants.
The responses in this volume show how readers were inspired by and connected to the ideas presented in the book. We found it rewarding to read such thoughtful pieces, and hope you'll also appreciate these thought-provoking contributions to existing conversations around this classic text, and to complex understandings of human freedom.
We hope you enjoy the reflections and insight in this journal, and if you know someone incarcerated in NC or SC who might enjoy being part of the I/O Book Club, drop us a line at ashevilleprisonbooks@gmail.com with their info and we'll include them next time!
P.S. The cover art for this edition of the Journal was done by inside reader James Anderson; many thanks to James for contributing this gorgeous design to the Journal!